Etsy Trending Keywords

Wondering what to sell on Etsy? Stay on top of the latest trends with our free trending keywords list, the best way to find the newest and most popular items on Etsy. With Trending Keywords, side hustles & small Etsy shops are no longer in danger of getting lost in the shuffle.

KeywordViewsCompeting ListingsSalesPrice
handmade gift8.9M4.8M188K$45.25
digital planner7.4M555K158K$8.18
handmade jewelry3.7M4M77K$64.04
wall decor3.3M20M69K$27.04
womens clothing2.7M13M57K$36.62
handmade furniture and decor2.3M56K49K$202.07
wall art1.8M18M39K$34.13
spring clothing1.1M272K23K$46.53
taylor swift1.1M197K22K$20.99

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